Music change the World

What is Music?

According to the dictionary music is having rhythm, melody, or harmony. But it's really underestimated, more so than anyone actually realizes! Music is a learning, a therapy, and teaching tool. Music adjusts our moods, and used throughout our lives. To lead a healthy life, we need to incorporate music. Whether playing it, listening to it, or using it.

Music is therapy because of its positive changes in human behavior. The therapy consist of singing, playing instruments, moving to music, and listening to music. This builds your communication skills, motor skills and emotional development.

Music comes into our lives at an early age. I wake up crying from a terrifying nightmare, looking around for my mommy. The light turns on. She comes up and sits on the bed, saying everything is O.K. I tell her a monster was coming after me, in between my heavy breathing, A light peaceful voice starts coming out of her mouth. "Rock a bye baby on the tree top, when the wind blows the cradle will rock." My eyes slowly shout and I'm back to sleep again.

We learn music in Elementary School. Don't you remember learning your first song and singing it to all the parents? It's a great learning tool for the teachers.

There was never a question in my mind that music possesses a strong element to help people. It has always been a stress reliever in my life. There is research that supports the belief that music is an instrumental part or impact on a wider realm of physical and mental disorders or disabilities. Music is known to set the mood or atmosphere for all types of situations. There is extensive research completed on this subject.
Just take a look around. When you look at a movie it is filled with just the right music at the right time to convey the way the writer/ director wants you to feel. Call any major corporation for customer service assistance and you will here hold music to make you feel less tense and patient. This usually has an adverse affect because we know what they’re trying to do.

Heavy Metal Heavy metal from the 1960’s to the 1980’s was a different and hard time for heavy metal bands. Heavy Metal is a genre of rock n’ roll that was created in the late sixties and late seventies. With influences from blues-rock and psychedelic rock mostly blues. With there twelve bar blues and extended guitar solos help create many guitar styles. Heavy Metal is recognized by its loud distorted guitars, emphatic rhythms, dense bass and drum sound, and vigorous vocals. Metal subgenres either emphasize these things or take on or two of them out.

Classical music, as the name suggests, is a well-established kind of music, at least in the West. Classical music concerts take place in every cultural center, and they take many forms, from a solo to large symphonic orchestras, from a sonata to an opera. This kind of music has many fans, especially among circles of intellectuals. But how did this great kind of music start? What made the great composers compose? And how was this all used before the time of recorded music and portable mp3 players? These are the questions we are going to examine today.